We Used to Cut the Grass, feat. Ike Willis of the Mothers of Invention
Thu, Apr 20 - 3:19 pm

It was while in college at Washington University, St. Louis that Ike Willis and Frank Zappa met.
As a guitar player since the age of 8, Ike was studying political science.
He volunteered to help with the concert committee just so he could get a "Back Stage Pass" to meet Frank Zappa. The rest as they say, is history.
As one of the longest playing members of Frank Zappa's bands, Ike is still upholding his promise to Frank. That promise is to continue on, playing the music of which Zappa had taught Ike oh so well. To this day Ike fulfills Frank's wish by playing with some awesome Zappa tribute bands from around the world.
Ike has joined forces with "We Used to Cut the Grass' to create an amazing tribute to Frank Zappa. Don't miss this rare Ithaca appearance June 6th at The Range. Opening the show will be Ithaca Bottom Boys!